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Data Alerts

When you run a company, there are several threats you might face at any given point. It’s up to you to be aware of all these threats and respond to them appropriately, and the larger the company, the bigger the reservoir of potential threats that you’re going to end up experiencing. Your risk management strategies need to scale with your company.

One way you can scale your risk management strategy is with continuous monitoring, sometimes also called data alerts. Depending on where you live, continuous monitoring may even be a legal necessity for your business. It’s up to you to develop the systems necessary to do it.

What Is Continuous Monitoring?

Very simply, continuous monitoring is a type of monitoring that keeps tabs on all your processes all the time. As the name would suggest, it’s always keeping an eye on what’s going on. Some companies call these systems “data alerts” because they also alert you if there’s something wrong or strange going on. In some places, you might legally have to put continuous monitoring in place, especially if you run certain types of businesses that handle a lot of sensitive information.

How Does Continuous Monitoring Work?

It depends on the type of continuous monitoring system you’re using when it comes to how continuous monitoring works. That’s because continuous monitoring is the name for a concept, not necessarily a specific type of system, depending on what type of information you use, what systems you’re already using, and what risks you’re worried about, continuous monitoring can look different.

The most important thing to remember is that continuous monitoring should keep tabs on all your important concerns. That typically means you need to tailor your continuous monitoring system to your concerns so it only notifies you when something is potentially wrong.

What Types of Threats Can Continuous Monitoring Help With?

There are many types of threats that continuous monitoring can help you tackle. That’s why the concept is around, after all—it attempts to help you with all your threats overall. Here are a few threats you might be able to catch with continuous monitoring:

  • Targeted attacks
  • Untargeted attacks
  • Inconsistencies in your business
  • Mistakes coming from humans or systems
  • Internal concerns like embezzlement

Plus, there are plenty of threats that aren’t on this list that you might be able to tackle more effectively with continuous monitoring. If you’re wondering about continuous monitoring in your business, talk to your company’s system organizers to start learning more.

How Can Enformion Help With Monitoring Threats?

Continuous monitoring is something Enformion can help with. Enformion provides a framework that can help you keep tabs on many individuals, especially if you deal with a lot of important information and you need to make sure that information is being managed effectively. Enformion’s tools are geared mostly toward keeping tabs on individuals, which means that if your threats are about people instead of systems, Enformion can help. It’s all about making sure you’re using the Enformion tools that suit your needs.