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Property Deed

How do you know that you own something? It depends on the exact thing. For example, if you bought a small thing a long time ago and no longer have the receipt, it probably doesn’t matter, as no one is really going to ask you how you can be sure it’s yours. However, with property, this is more complicated, and that’s why property deeds exist.

At some point, many people have to deal with property deeds. That’s true whether you’re buying your own property, selling property, inheriting property, or just helping someone else deal with their own property. To an extent, whenever you buy something from a store, you’re handing over a property deed, even if it’s not as formal. Property deeds are everywhere, and you need to respect them.

What Is a Property Deed?

A property deed is a legal document that showcases that a piece of property has switched hands. In legal terms, it transfers the property from the grantor, who is the seller of the property, to the grantee, who is the buyer of the property. A property deed allows you to be completely certain that the ownership of the land is in your own hands, and it also allows you to prove to others that you legally purchased the land in question.

Are There Different Types of Property Deeds?

It might seem strange, but there isn’t only one type of property deed. The concept of a property deed is more of an umbrella term than anything. Here are a few of the property deeds that you might experience as someone buying or selling property:

  • Grant deeds
  • Warranty deeds
  • Special warranty deeds
  • Quitclaim deeds
  • Bargain and sale deeds

Whether you deal with some of these will often depend on your location. Warranty deeds, for example, are most common in the Midwest and in the South, and the grant deed is most common in California. If you’re ever uncertain, it’s a good idea to consult a legal expert before you move forward.

What Do You Need to Do to Make a Property Deed Valid?

The process of validating a property deed can be either extremely complex or very, very easy depending on the specific property deed, the requirements that are mandatory legally, the elements that the buyer or the seller insist on, and the location. These are a few of the steps you might need to take:

  • Notarization
  • Filing for record
  • Proper witnessing
  • Meeting other legal requirements

In some states, a deed doesn’t require official filing or witnessing to be valid. However, to make sure all parties end up feeling like the process treated them fairly, it’s typically still good practice to notarize, witness, and file all deeds.

How Can Enformion Help You With Property Deeds?

When you sign a property deed, you want to make sure that you’ve gone through all the information that may have put you off purchasing the property at any point. Enformion allows you to get more information about many addresses, which can make it much easier for you to gather information before you apply for the property deed. It’s a great way to make sure you’re ready for any moment.